
Website Disclaimer

Thank you for visiting our site.

In order to ensure that there is no misunderstanding that could lead to possible disputes about your online dealings with us we would appreciate that you read this disclaimer which covers all interactions on this site.

The information that appears on this website is made available without any representation or warranty, whether expressed or implied.

All information regarding products and services, including information in respect of terms and conditions and any other information, is subject to change without notice.

Orchid Risk Services (Pty) Ltd accepts no liability for any loss whether direct, indirect or consequential arising from information made available on these pages and actions or transactions resulting therefrom.

The laws of the Republic of South Africa will govern all terms and conditions of any products and services contained on this site. Should you apply for any product or service through this Website, you hereby consent and submit to the jurisdiction of the South African courts in regard to any proceedings or the like instituted by either party against the other. By viewing this site or registering any of your information with us you agree to this disclaimer.


Email Disclaimer                                                         

Any agreements concluded with ORCHID RISK SERVICES (PTY) LTD by the usage of electronic correspondence shall only be of force and effect once ORCHID RISK SERVICES (PTY) LTD has expressly indicated such contract formation in a follow up or return communication and such electronic correspondence will at all times be subject to the provisions of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002

We respect your privacy and acknowledge that this email will contain personal information, which you give us consent to process and further process. This processing will be done in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act and our privacy policy which you can download from our website. Click here to view: www.orchidrisk.co.za

The content of this email may contain confidential information. If you receive it in error please keep it confidential, do not further disclose or use it and delete the content immediately;

Where applicable, this email may house legally confidential and privileged content;

ORCHID RISK SERVICES (PTY) LTD is not responsible for any improper or unlawful use or dissemination of the information housed under this electronic message; any incomplete transmission of the information contained in this electronic message, or for any delay in its receipt or harm or loss resulting from malicious software code or viruses in this electronic message, or its attachments, including data corruption resulting therefrom.

ORCHID RISK SERVICES (PTY) LTD accepts no responsibility for any offensive, unlawful, derogatory or defamatory statements or materials, which may be housed under any electronic message. Any such message will be deemed to have been sent by the sender in his or her personal capacity and outside his or her scope of employment with ORCHID RISK SERVICES (PTY) LTD and accordingly such person will be personally liable for any damages occasioned as a result of the offensive, unlawful, derogatory or defamatory content contained therein.